Cree this year only confirmed the trend clearly outlined last year. The so -called domestic playing industry (as well as the CIS game industry that has joined it), tilted by the crisis and giving a leak, falls in the direction of online. Moreover, the online, not big. Social games and projects for mobile platforms – this is what most publishers and developers from the former USSR are fed now.
It is difficult to blame them for this. Video games – a business for strong (in decent countries, they have long overtaken the turnover of the film industry), and romantically tuned natures die here as quickly as crayfish in boiling water. But this does not cancel the fact that we have a catastrophically few large single -user projects.
From the very beginning of the exhibition it was clear that a busy report would not work. Too little interesting, and talk in detail about some browser step-by-step strategy with elements of Sado-Mazo-I did not want to at all. Therefore, this time we built our report in the format of a small walk in Cree. Prepare gas masks, chemical costumes and heart drops. We will start with pleasant discoveries, but we will finish-a look at the cold and inaccessible abyss, in which we once tried to see the future of domestic game construction.
Under the sky is blue
Skydive: Proximity Flight
To the left of the main entrance, next to the 1C-SoftKlab stand, placed their Gaijin Entertainment playground. She looks pretty strange. A small pedestal to which you can climb the steps. On the side wall – a huge monitor. When you go to the stand from the side of the corridor, the picture itself is not visible and the gaze opens a marvelous sight.
There is a person on the pedestal. The legs are slightly bent at the knees, the priest is unscrewed, the neck is extended forward, hands at the seams – from time to time a person moves them, then removes from the body, then, on the contrary, presses to the hips.
An unprepared viewer can decide that a pantomime is being played out in front of him – the female owl is preparing to brush the half -digested mouse to her offspring. But it is worth taking a step aside and look at the screen – and everything falls into place, because on the monitor ..
On the way with the clouds
A man in a strange overalls stands on the edge of the cliff. A delightful look opens in front of him-spicy peaks, sheer gorges, snow on the slopes, somewhere far, far below the green spots of the forest are visible, and between the two mountain beds the river flowing to the valley that is barely visible near the horizon. All in crimson tones – the sun falls over the horizon.
The picture is almost impeccable, in the first seconds you are very seriously thinking that the film is twisted on the screen from the collection of National Geographic or DiscoVery World. But here a person in a jumpsuit takes two steps forward – right to the edge of the cliff – jumps like a real diver, folds out with an arrow and begins to fall right along the mountain slope.
[[Bullet]] We fall into the Green Sea of Forest. The first minute you just admire the scenery, completely forgetting about the tasks.
In the ears – the wind, stones, bushes, snow, grass, and stones again rush past at great speed … In a couple of seconds, you stop distinguishing separate details, everything merges into a continuous variegated stream. And then a person spreads his wings and begins to steam!
To be more accurate, then our hero only slightly spreads his legs and spreads his hands to the sides. Between the arms, body and legs is a strong fabric “membrane”, which is inflated by the oncoming stream, like a sail, reduces speed and allows you to slide through the air.
White horses
But I don’t want to think about all these details for the first few minutes, because not a single game has given such a feeling of flight as yet Skydive: Proximity Flight. It's hard to say what is the matter. Either in the realism of the environment. Either that we control not a aircraft, not some kind of dragon, but the most ordinary person. Or maybe the secret is in an unusual perspective-the camera is fixed somewhere in the belt, we see only our left hand. This is not entirely usually, but the brain immediately agrees that this is how it should look like in reality.
[[Bullet]] Screen blur gives an additional sensation of speed.
The body actively helps the brain. SkyDive is based on devices with Motion Detection, simply put – on Kinect and it like it. The body of the game character is your own body. Tricking on the pedestal of a dzhigit, about whom I spoke at the very beginning, did not experience any difficulties with digestion, but only tried to perform the figures of the highest aerobatics. Yes, a little awkward, but how it turned out. It is unlikely that I was very different from him when I just started to master the game: at first it seems that you glide smoothly through the air, but in fact you sit in a pose. The accuracy of movements comes with experience.
[[Bullet]] This is only one of the possible ways to the valley. It was possible to fly behind a neighboring ridge or along a stream.
In any case, it is worth a computer model to tear off your legs from the cliff and start a vertical fall, as you immediately unconditionally believe that you yourself have just pushed away from a reliable support and rush down with a stone. I don't want to think about anything for the first five minutes – just enjoy the flight. Then you begin to look around and notice some luminous rings hanging freely in the air. You guess that this is a track, and you try to chill closer. At this moment it turns out that it is necessary to control the wingsight, and Skydive is an arcade flight simulator on Wingsight (if you don’t know what it is, please read our insert), is not so simple. Too sharp a wave of a hand – and you are twisted by a drill, the sky and earth flicker in front of your eyes, and the vestibular apparatus sends fiery greetings to the stomach.
Rumble turbines, snakes of sleep
To become a professional skydiver, you have to practice. The main task is to make a flight of maximum range, while typing a maximum of bonus glasses. Points are charged for entering the indicated trajectory (those very rings) and for the tricks in the air. At the same time, no one forces you to fly along a strictly defined route. Each level has only a certain conditional direction – down, in the valley. But how exactly do you get there – your personal business.
You can fang the peaks and fly exactly above them, you can immediately outline the gorge and go down it. You can soar for the long time in the embroidery, lose speed, then again dial it with a vertical fall and make the rest of the path at the river surface. And you can outline a long gentle slope, accelerate to the whistle in the ears and fly at the very surface of the rocks, maneuvering between the trees.
[[Bullet]] In the version that I tested, there were few landscapes, but they looked very realistic. Just like in documentary films about nature.
Exactly one thing prevents the maximum pleasure from falling. Purely technical. The sensations from falling and flight are so realistic that I want to literally dig into the air with my whole body. Bend forward, stretch out with a string, bending an arc, flying between the trees … The game does not react to this in any way. Kinect does not differ in accurate positioning and does not see deep into it, so all management is reduced to a change in the position of the hands in the space. On the one hand, it is realistic – during jumping, real skydivers also control their flight only with the mean movements of the shoulders. That's just at this moment they experience huge loads, and virtual grief heroes are only slightly shaken with fats. The body literally asks for movements more adequate to what is happening on the screen.
I am a "yak" fighter
I flew around, I go to the small hopper of the "Haizins" in the very center of the exhibition corridor to find out the details of the game. Middle of the second day, so in the bunker crowded and fun. The people sucks Machito, violently discusses the upcoming award ceremony, is interested in who broke the door in the toilet last night and what will happen to the microphone if you breathe fume into it. In general, a standard picture, the rest at the stands by this time, a plus minus is going on the same.
[[Bullet]] The most exciting one – when you fall almost on the snowfield, but do not break, and at the last moment you open the wingsut and steam.
But, despite the informal situation, they talk about the game with interest. First of all, I am interested in Kirill Yudintsev, the creative director of Gaijin, the main thing:
– I'm not a specialist in Skydiving, but they don't fly so? It is impossible to soar for ten minutes in a row.
– Well, why?! You can longer. It depends on where to jump. Skydivers sometimes jump from aircraft or balloons. So you can go down to Wingsyut for a very long time. Much longer than in the game. True, we have jumped mainly from the rocks, and had to slightly change physics so that the athlete would go down longer. That is, we are completely taking into account the laws of physics, just a couple of numbers in the formulas changed.
-One of Skydivers advised you?
– Yes. And consulted and played when we already collected the version. Respond positively, although, of course, the game will not replace the sensations from real jumps.
– How are you doing with tasks? Just fly-yes, great, but in an hour or two definitely get tired. You will entertain something else?
– Necessarily. You have already seen the rings, there will be more tasks. For example, perform some trick. Fly into a stone arch, for example. Or even perform a somersault there. From the balloon, there may be jumps.
-Landscapes in the game-they repeat some real in detail where Skydivers jump, or invented?
– In details – no, do not repeat. They are made, let's say, based on. But perhaps we are to release and copy something one into one.
– You plan multiplayer?
– Certainly.
– just by the number of points or it will be possible to compete at the same level at the same level at once?
– Simultaneously. Everything is in Riltme. Jump simultaneously with rivals. While flying, see them. Well, if the relief allows. And at the end the number of points scored by each.
– It will work out in the air with each other?
– Most likely, yes. But it will not be fatal. We just make an animation of the conflict, but the skydivers will not break and the game will not end.
– What platforms go on?
– It is too early to say, the publisher has not yet been defined. Maybe there will be an exclusive under some one platform, or maybe we will go out at once.
– Judging by the control method, PC can be deleted in advance?
– No, why? Here is the version that you played, it is launched by PC.
– That is, you are not strictly under the Kinect game?
– Well, we are not talking about specific controllers at all yet. We just make a game under management with Motion Detection. And what will it be, already the tenth is already. We can under kinect, we can under move. Kinect here no one bothers to connect, by the way.
– And the last question. When?
– We hope this year.
In our editorial office, the same dispute flashes over and over again: it is worth it or not to buy kinect. For work, we have one, of course, is, but home, for personal use, few people have acquired the device so far. It seems entertaining, and on the other hand – what to play on it? In a scattering of casuals? So they bother in a couple of evenings. Serious games with Kinect support support it – so, for show. Passing them is still more convenient on the gamepad. For half an hour of dating, Skydive managed to convince me of what I myself could not convince myself for six months. Kinect should be taken, unless, of course, the game will support it.
They call the birds
Wingsut is a component costume in which a person gets the opportunity to plan quite smoothly through the air. Between the hands and body, as well as between the legs, two-layer pneumenus are stretched, which through air intakes are filled with air and support the flight. So that you better imagine how they jump with Wingsight, we have picked up some interesting facts about this type of entertainment.
– The development of a costume for planning began in the fifties of the last century, but it was not possible to achieve a successful aerodynamic model for a long time. A total of about a hundred people died during the tests, until in 1998 Robert Beijnik and Yari Kuosma were invented by Wingsyut, which is used with short changes to this day.
– the speed of descent in Wingsight ranges between 150 and 190 km/h. Compare. The fastest bird in the world is a needle -high haircut, the speed of a horizontal flight is up to 180 km/h. But the bird, developing the fastest speed when diving, is Sol-Sapsan, it manages to fall 310 km/h/h.
– To control the Wingsight, you need to be in a very good physical form. To reduce the rate of fall, you have to spread your hands with the “wings” to the sides, at this moment the load increases sharply on the shoulders and forearm. Nobody will just allow you to jump with Wingsight – this is a lesson for experienced skydiver, you usually need to make about two hundred parachute jumps before you are allowed to go down to Wingsyut.
– On the one hand, jumping in Wingsyut is a lesson for wealthy people. The costume itself costs in the region of $ 2-6 thousand. Plus regular raises on the plane, plus the need to ride around the world in order to jump from natural objects. On the other hand, in Skydiving is full of people with very limited income. Spend, put off, save … All in order to have the opportunity to do what love – flight.
– At the end of the flight, Skydiver in Wingsight always releases a parachute and lands on it. There is a lot of controversy, is it possible to land without a parachute. Judging by the speed of the flight and the fact that everyone who has not opened the parachute has died is difficult to do it.
Never say
Death to spies 2
Immediately to the left of the entrance-the spacious light stand "1C-SoftKlab". Nothing superfluous – white walls, stand with three computers. On the largest monitor, the demonstration version of the game "Death to spies 2" is launched. I'm here for her. We wrote about the project more than once, but there was no playing on our own – the working build in those days simply did not exist.
The situation is piquant. For unknown reasons, they waited yesterday at the stand yesterday. They called, surprised why there was no one. While talking with people at the entrance (there, under a huge visor, almost at any time, while the exhibition passes, smokes and chatting at least twenty people), three at once told me that we were mercilessly Kosteri at the stand, they say, they were clogged, they were disdained. Why they were waiting for yesterday, in the end no one clearly explained and explained.
From Russia with love
But now is not the time for the showdown, you need to watch the game. If you suddenly missed the first part of the “spies”, I will briefly explain what it is about. The game, published in 2007, was a domestic analogue of Hitman. About the second world. The main character, Semyon Strogov, performed tasks on the enemy territory. The game was good, but in a number of parameters, the ideological ancestor lost.
There was no beautifully developing plot in the “spies” (although the story was given in an original way, through the memories of Strogov), moreover, the game was desperately not enough reliability. For example, some guards for unknown reasons could be identified in the dressing of Strogov of the enemy for no reason. From the corpses killed from the pistol, it was impossible to take off clothes, even if you hit the enemy exactly in the middle of the forehead. But the main problem of the first “spies” – almost any mission here could be performed only in one way. Long and tediously making his way from the guard to the guard. No non -standard decisions were provided for.
[[Bullet]] The main supplier of the local meat processing plant during operation.
In the year in the year of the sequel " The moment of truth »The situation was slightly improved. There was an opportunity to poison enemies with poisons, disguise themselves as a doctor and drop elements of interior on opponents. All this, of course, made the game more interesting, but did not completely solve the problem. Most of the time we were still forced to hide in the corners, cut German soldiers and crawl from shelter to shelter, carefully following the map behind the patrol routes. A kind of hardcore stealth, fixated on himself, is a real gift for finished fans of the genre.
View of the murder
“Death to spies 2” is trying with all his might to drop the excess hardcore and pump up strong Hollywood muscles. Action time – sixties, Caribbean crisis. The plot is through, without unnecessary branches, with a clear connection between missions and elegant references to the military past last strict. Semyon is already elderly – forty -eight, colonel of the KGB – and prefers to act with partners.
It is around them that the whole gameplay is built. I am shown a mission on which you need to act at once for three characters. For Strogova, Viktor Kovalev, a disguise specialist, and Olga Godunov-Lopes-a brunette with a chopped face and all the rest. The level is a mansion with the adjacent territory. Strogov stands in the yard and tries to understand how to get inside. Olga at that moment paces among people at some social event near the facade of the building.
They show me how to switch between heroes. I choose seeds, go to the guard standing at the door at the door, trying to hack the lock. Of course, I was immediately revealed, and Victor's lifeless body after a few seconds falls to the ground. But it becomes clear that it is on this door that you need to penetrate. When I tried to squeeze the castle, I jumped out a mini-game, in which in the allotted time it was necessary to sequentially choose several kercishes to the teeth of a certain shape. Along the way, they tell me that there will be quite a lot of such mini-games in the second “spies”.
Direct, but not now
The plan of action in the head has already matured. Restart the level, switch to Olga. She is in a luxurious velvet dress. It seems only click the movement button – and literally swim along the tile, swaying the hips. I shake the "Forward" button, and here it happens funny. Our prima-ballerina, instead of gently crossing the leg in the shoe, begins to stomp with his logging as crutches as crutches.
They immediately explain to me that the female animation for Olga is not yet ready and the male animation was screwed to her. Raw build, assembled specifically for the exhibition (by the way, a rare Western developer today dares to show the press a version that is not licked to shine; ours immediately mentally prepare the audience for future bugs), but still-a graceful woman moving like a bear-grinds looks like it looks Very comical.
[[Bullet]] corpses, of course, must be hidden in a timely manner. If the guard finds the body, he will not calm down until he finds the killer.
I look around, trying to understand where Semyon is located. They tell me that you can activate the card. I shake the button, I quickly find myself and look for a blue arrow, which is marked with string. Along the way, I note that absolutely all opponents are marked on the map with the same arrows. It can be seen where they look where they move. The card can be flipped through the levels, watching how enemies behave on different floors of the mansion. I really hoped that it was this atavism that would be removed from the game. What realism we are talking about, if at any moment you can find out how the enemy behaves and where is the enemy?! But the card is still with us, you have to put up.
I switch to running and enveloping the mansion. No one pays any attention to a woman rushing in heels in a dress, apparently this is a common thing here. There is time to look around. You can’t find fault with the picture – even such trifles as stucco collapsing under the balconies are spelled out. But Olga reaches Victor, and she has the same exclusive opportunity to distract the guard. Our doll speaks with an ambal, it turns slightly from the door. I switch to the seeds and … I open the door half a meter from the guard chirping with Olga. It all looks pretty strange. In reality, you can delve into the castle in such proximity to the enemy except in pitch darkness – and it is desirable that the opponent be deaf. And here everything is in the light of the day.
Quantum of mercy
After that follows a series of bright events. Descent into the basement, spying in keyhole (whether there is an enemy in the room), disconnecting the generator and stealth performed by Victor-when passing, you can turn on the mode in which enemies that react differently to the appearance of the spy are illuminated by different colors; Something similar was, for example, in Saboter.
There are a lot of small shortcomings, but in all cases it is clear that these are the shortcomings of the early build. But the gameplay, in which on one mission you have to juggle three characters, really captures. The gameplay pace is constantly changing: you just start to get tired of Stlax, you are offered an unobtrusive mini-game, they let them shoot, after which they make a hack. All half an hour spent by the game, I did not notice either the noise of the hall, or the wild cries at the booth of the “Wargams” (it is located just behind the entrance), where the people were cut into “tanks”.
From the hardcore and slightly braided stealth Haggard Games sculpt a spy militant, according to all the canons of Hollywood. Diverse heroes, changing modes of the game, interesting tasks, modern graphics. If you close my eyes to the poorly assembled build (although, to be honest, I was somewhat discouraged – so slotted versions at exhibitions and conferences for the last time we have seen years, it seems, five ago; now it is customary to lick everything to shine), then the problem the game has exactly one. Please open an article about Hitman: Absolution or just look at the cover – and you will understand everything. Survival race began. And “spies” it is important to be born to the new “Hitman”, before the quality bar will once again be raised to sky -high heights.
Fair of vanity
What remains of the indie sector Cree
As Cree itself has always been a litmus piece of paper for regional representatives of the industry, the industry health indicator, and the “project fair” always showed how things are in the game-building, among the newcomers of the industry.
There were years when the section occupied almost a whole hall and here it was possible to see more than a dozen promising developments, a significant part of which were understood by publishers already on the second day of the exhibition. That is, the section worked according to the name – as a real fair, where you can come, see, take the best and agree on a purchase.
For the press and ordinary visitors, the Fair was a real circus. In the good sense of the word. Here they could drag into a comic spiritualistic session, arrange a demonstrative body art, put on an venerable public on the head of incomprehensible huge glasses and check the activity of the hippocampus. Something looked like a complete absurdity, but it was fun and there was a feeling that there were people in the industry who are not sitting still, but are acting an active search. New formats, solutions, ways to communicate with players.
Caution, collapses!
Then degradation began. By last year, the Fair almost ceased to fulfill its title function. There were very few submitted projects, only two worthy of attention – the action about robots " Monolith "From" Lesta "And existential quest G1deon: Towards God from Polstan Studios.
[[Bullet]] This is a small stand with laptops and is a "Fair of Projects".
At the same time, with a decrease in the significance of the fair, its migration began. If you have never been to Cree, then I will briefly describe how it all looks from the inside. You penetrate the Cosmos Hotel through the entrance to the concert hall and find yourself on a fairly wide marble patch. Directly opposite the entrance – the boots of the administration, where accreditation takes place. Three stands are placed to the left of the entrance. They are usually rented by thicknesses from the industry – the place here is the most expensive, because all visitors are the first to go here. These stands are clearly visible from the central door, and it is easiest to post on them to place the heralds.
[[Bullet]] Cute mobs from the Project Genome clung to the main character "Steam" and ran after it endlessly. It was completely impossible to unhook.
To the right of the entrance is a small ladder by which you climb the lobby. This is a long, slightly curved hall, stands of the exhibition participants are located on the left and right hand. It usually turns out that the farther from the entrance, the poorer the participants (or they are not quite profile and they have nothing to really show). While you are going on the foil-foist, the crowd is gradually growing up, and the stands look more modest.
Years are flying
Until 2009, Cree occupied a lobby, a marble hall, a mirror hall and a slightly at a distance hall with a pretentious name Business Lounge. Plus lecturer "Saturn", "Neptune", "Pluto", "Mercury" and "Jupiter". Since 2009, the exhibition has been bought, stopped nesting in Business Lounge and left the mirror hall. The main part is now a foyer and a marble hall.
[[Bullet]] "Forgotten Cities: Cats Ultar". Quests similar to this on the Internet you can get hundreds. It is not entirely clear how exactly this exhibit was at the "Fair of Projects".
As for the "Fair of Projects", it lonely contracted from a separate hall to the distant appendix of the lobby. That is, in order to reach her, you need to stomp through the entire corridor-colbas. This year, the situation at the fair was so sad that it seems that there is already nowhere to go. Only five laptops on which they showed do not understand that and do not understand how. Here, for example, a strange -like type of MMORPG about robots Project Genome -Perhaps the game has some prospects, but so far it looks worse than dozens of Asian Grindels who have flooded the market over the past two years.
The next next in line is the dull quest quest " Forgotten cities: Ulaltar cats ". To the question "What do you have?"Consultant, apparently finally desperate to attract attention, only dullly answered" look yourself "and moved aside. There was nothing to watch.
[[Bullet]] The same lighting technology from Air Software. Directly with us, some developers were interested in the decision and sent their technical specialists to the stand.
The rest of the rest was two developments located at the farthest edge. One was a midledware-solution (t.e. a program that can be bought and used as an auxiliary tool when developing your own game). The second is a Kazualka Evocraft , simple but damn exciting.
Kazualka and Middleware as the main exhibits are a real swan song "Fair of Projects". A small exhibition inside a rather large -scale conference has degenerated into a Shutovskaya Kunstkamer, which you can’t look at without sadness anymore. But how well it all started. We will not be very surprised if next year (it will be the tenth, anniversary) the best project of the Fair will be some kind of script for the online store. But we believe, of course, in the best.
Every year to believe, however, everything is more difficult. For the second year in a row, as soon as we begin to plan material based on the past Cree, George Kurgan regularly comes to me and, with easy despair in his voice, suggests: “Or maybe we will not write about it at all about it?»It seems that everything goes to this. Today, at the once largest industrial conference in the region, we meet the dear people who, due to different circumstances, make very strange products-nominally these are still games, but not at all the scope, as on E3, Gamescom and GDC. Cree gets like a cozy closed interest club – like a society of lovers of strokes knees. This is touching in its own way, but players and profile press to listen to them over and over again more and more boring.
Photo page
[[Bullet]] Visitors are preparing for a prize draw. Ten seconds and walking along the corridor will be impossible at all.
[[Bullet]] The same table football. Actively working with elbows, playing regularly touched passing by.
[[Bullet]] Hajzin's bunker attracted everyone not only by erotomaniac camouflage, but also by a pleasant atmosphere that reigned inside.
[[Bullet]] Stand "Nivala" – one of the most crowded throughout the exhibition. They were eager to play Prime World.
[[Bullet]] at the Sky Dive stand constantly someone flew. It was especially funny to look after newcomers who clumsily jerked all the limbs at once.
[[Bullet]] Stand of the "Zombie Farm" is one of the largest and most bright on Cree, which is indicative.
Where are dreams
A selection of the most characteristic (according to "gambling") headings of reports from CRI of different years
Sergey Grigorevsky – “Music as one of the most important elements in the dramatic canvas of the performance, film, computer game”
Andrey Kuzmin, K-D Lab-"Some deep aspects of game construction"
Renat Nenmetdinov, akella – "Script: plot and freedom of choice in games"
Andrey Belkin, Akella – “Personnel solve everything! Labor market and career in the gaming industry "
Bannikov Ivan Alexandrovich, Nikita – "Creating a holistic world in MMORPG"
Alexander Mishulin, Nival-"Review of computer and desktop RPG systems"
Sergey Selvanov, CHACHOLODICE STV – "The problem of choosing the protagonist and the leading actor in cinema"
Igor Tishin, Eagle Dynamics – “Highly Realistic simulators of modern combat aircraft. Specificity of the genre and development technology "
Nikolai Dybovsky, Ice-Pick Lodge-"on the threshold of a bone house, or how the game becomes art"
Kirill Lebedev, Dataart – “Patterns for the development of computer and video games. Mechanisms for creating new genres "
Ilya Khmonovsky, Nival Interactive – "Genility by order: Management of the creative process"
Peter Prokhorenko, Lesta – "Reconstruction of historical events in the computer game"
Vladimir Minyaev, "Buka" – "Who needs us in America?"
Grigory Choporov, Skyfallen Entertainment – “Sphering plot in vacuum. Fundamentals of literary plot ".
Alexander Kauchekh, Kenjitsu – “Materials and tools of classical directing in adaptation to gamemesign”
Benois Sokal-"Development of the next generation Adventure-IGR using the example of Paradise"
Ekaterina Kukurko, "Buka" – "How I lost virginity in the gaming industry"
Gavin Longhurst, Bigworld – “The next generation has already come. What about gameplay?"
Andrey Biljo, Krasnov Yaroslav, Trickster Games – "Petrovich and all, all, all"
Nikolai Dybovsky, Ice-Pick Lodge-“Game with Chaos. On the role of chance in a multidimensional game "
Alexei Pastushkov, “New Disk” – “The hangover of a gearing, monsters and a hexagonal cube, or players do not scare – floor concrete!"
Konstantin Sapronenkov, “New Disk” – “Cultural taboos from Pushkin to Puchkov: Freedom VS. necessity"
Alexander Suslov, Pavel Nechaev, Snowball – “Zadrotus vulgaris, or how to promote games on Consumer Event’ax”
Roman Tulinov, World Forge-"Modern concept art, or as we have reached before"
Round table with publishers – “Crisis or disaster? How Kwiff Casino to live on "
Pavel Nechaev, Alexander Suslov, Snowball – “ratings – no, boobs – yes!", Or" On assessments of the press of sales do not depend "
Pierre Gilhodes – “Recommendations of leading goblin experts: Pierre Guillast about the Gobliins series”
Roman Zhikharev,“How to accept payments to online games correctly?"
Round table – “casual games and social networks – a new challenge or new opportunities?"
Dmitry Devishev, Mail.Ru – "From offline to online: advice to developers"
Alexandra Pestretsova, Skazka – "Millions of Lemmining for your Games"
Denis Rysev, “Finams” – “Social Games: Viral Marketing”
Yaroslav Astakhov, Mail.Ru-"promotion of client and browser online games in the current market"
Andrey Ivanchenko, Alina Ivanchenko, Mail.Ru – “Kawaii art is serious!"
Andrey Lviv, Mail.Ru – "Monetization in games. Tips from practitioners "
Max Yankov, Pixonic – "Golden Book of Social Games"